Nine Interesting Suggestions On How To Compose A Cause And Effect Essay On Poverty

Poverty is a worldwide problem that every city, country and many people have had to face at some point in their lives or the lives of their family. It may not be that you have had to live in poverty yourself but you may have experienced poverty through charity work or your life but when you are trying to come up with a cause and effect essay consider these nine interesting suggestions to find ideas on this topic even if you are going to buy cause and effect essay online.

  1. Visit social services – The social services department that is run by any local government will have many examples of poverty for you to experience, consider meeting with social services for insight on this topic.
  2. Charity venues – Poverty occurs year round and there are many organizations that focus on helping those in need to get the food they need. Consider visiting or working at one of these venues to gain insight on the problem.
  3. Homeless shelters – Homeless shelters provide assistance to those who have nowhere else to go, sometimes due to poverty. Try visiting one of these locations and you will find many stories that you can use.
  4. Emergency services – Emergency services such as the fire departments or police will often have experience dealing with impoverished people. Consider talking to these representatives to gain insight on how poverty impacts society for a cause and effect essay.
  5. Churches and religious organizations – Religions often teach people to help those who are less fortunate so they will often have a large amount of experience dealing with poverty. Try visiting a local church and discuss poverty with the church leaders for insight into this problem.
  6. Hospitals – When people live in poverty they often do not have medical insurance and they are forced to use emergency services. To gain insight on how poverty and medical issues go hand in hand try talking with a local hospital.
  7. Less fortunate friends – Is there someone that you know who may have lost a job or is struggling to get by? Consider using their example as part of your writing work.
  8. Unemployment office – The local unemployment office is a great insight into the plight of living in poverty where many people will wait and try to find work to support their families.
  9. Hit the streets – Unfortunately, even in the modern world there are examples of poverty on the streets of the cities, try talking with these people and getting their story.

No matter which idea you choose, each one will provide valuable material for a cause and effect essay on poverty.
